Friday, June 19, 2009

Gig 'Em Class of 2030

Lil' Aggies: Taylor (age 5), Annalisa (almost 2yrs), & Presley (18m)
Look closely at Annalisa's dress. A friend made it for her before she was born and I just love it. It's white w/ little A&M seals and "gig 'ems" all over it. It's really cute.

So Jennifer & I made our yearly trip to Aggieland. Jennifer was one of my roomates & best friends at A&M; she lives in Hamilton, TX (a small town outside of Waco). We meet once a year at A&M since it is about 1/2 way for us and of course we rarely ever make it back so we both are excited to see how much it has changed. Her daughter, Presley and Annalisa are about 6 months apart so we tell them they are future roomates class of '30. It's our goal to get a picture of them every year until they graduate from high school. (I'll put up last year's pic in another post.) We did decide this year that we might need to make 2 trips though 1 with kids (for our pic) and 1 without so we can actually enjoy each other :)


Jennifer said...

We had a great time! I'm looking forward to our fall trip. Gig'em Aggies!