With a week off, we also had some extra time on our hands so Massy decided to make a video of Annalisa walking. If you're not family it may be a little long to watch (It's NINE minutes long after being edited!!!) so you may just want to enjoy the picture above. I do have to say that Massy did an excellent job on the video though. He spent a lot of time editing it, and I'm really impressed.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hurricane Annalisa
With a week off, we also had some extra time on our hands so Massy decided to make a video of Annalisa walking. If you're not family it may be a little long to watch (It's NINE minutes long after being edited!!!) so you may just want to enjoy the picture above. I do have to say that Massy did an excellent job on the video though. He spent a lot of time editing it, and I'm really impressed.
Posted by Massy, Sarah, Annalisa, Daniela & Gemma at 7:47 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hurricane Ike
L'ultima settimana e' stata una settimana lunga. I due giorni successivi all'uragano abbiamo sudato parecchio per sistemare i danni. E comunque rispetto a tanti altri i nostri "danni" erano sciochezze: un albero decimato, 3 centimetri di acqua nel garage, un buchetto nel tetto, la cassetta della posta rotta e 36 ore senza luce. In un paio di giorni ci siamo risistemati. Adesso aspettiamo che ci ricolleghino il telefono, internet e la TV. Il resto della settimana lo abbiamo passato rilassandoci, camminando nel quartiere, girato in bici e correndo dietro ad Annalisa. Ci rimaneva ben poco da fare visto che nel campo di tennis ci sono un paio di alberi, che in strada non si puo andare (senza semafori e' un casino), e siamo senza TV ed interenet. Comunque non possiamo lamentarci visto quello che e' successo nell'altra parte della citta'...e dopo tutto ho passato una settimana con Sara e Annalisa.
Per vedere alcune foto della nostra casa e del quartiere dopo Ike clicca su Hurricane Ike
Posted by Massy, Sarah, Annalisa, Daniela & Gemma at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Play Time
Annalisa is getting so big. She is 11 months now and it seems like yesterday that she was a newborn. I think about when I went to various play dates with her, and I just carried her in the Baby Bjorn. It seemed like it would be forever before she actually every "played". Now she is playing with her new friends below (Griffin, Yasmin, Jakelin, & Joshy). She even climbs up the little stairs and goes down the slide (on her tummy) all by herself. It's amazing how fast time flies.Joshy is Annalisa's very first friend. They were born 2 days apart, and we (our families) all met when they were just a couple weeks old. It's neat how God brought Josh's family into our live's at just the perfect time.
Posted by Massy, Sarah, Annalisa, Daniela & Gemma at 5:58 PM 0 comments